Unlock the potential of your decentralized energy for a
Net Zero carbon world
With Agregio Solutions, it’s possible to manage the variability of renewable energies to integrate them into the daily energy routine.
Choose our solutions to benefit from our knowledge of the energy market, optimize your energy management and find new sources of revenue.
You are :
Electricity Producer
Renewable Energy Project Developer
- Energy project sizing
- Energy storage via battery
- Intelligent energy management
- Purchase of Renewable Energy Production
- Corporate PPA
- Guarantees of origin
- Valorization of production flexibility
Storage Project Developer
- Energy project sizing
- Energy storage via battery
- Intelligent energy management
- Valorization of storage flexibility
Industrial or Tertiary Business
- Energy project sizing
- Energy storage via battery
- Intelligent energy management
- Valorization of consumption flexibility
- Corporate PPA
- Valorization of storage flexibility
- Flexibility of electric vehicles
Network Manager
Balance Responsible Entity
- Energy project sizing
- Energy storage via battery
- Intelligent energy management
- Purchase of energy production
Best wishes for 2025
One energy year is never the same as another: experience has amply demonstrated this. And Agregio Solutions, thanks to the commitment of all its teams, will remain at your side to accompany you through 2025!
The Benefits for You
Because dynamic low-carbon economy development projects are important to us, we want to support you by offering three major benefits:
Optimize your energy management
with storage, intelligent management or flexibility
Maximize the profitability of your decentralized projects
thanks to our expertise
Reduce your carbon footprint
while enhancing your performance and your attractiveness
Your commitments, our values
to build a more carbon-neutral world
for a fair economic valorization of your commitments
to contribute to progress and put people at the heart of your activities