Size your storage
energy project

Do you want to optimize your energy installation with a storage system? Our experts simulate your project revenue and optimize the size of your storage system to best meet your objectives.

A solution designed to...

Pictogramme Producteur d'électricité ou Développeur de projet d'énergies renouvelablesElectricity Producer
Renewable Energy Project Developer

Pictogramme Développeur de projet de stockageStorage Product Developer

Pictogramme Entreprise industrielle ou tertiaireIndustrial or
Tertiary Business

Pictogramme Gestionnaire de réseau ou Responsable d'équilibreNetwork Manager
Balance Responsible Entity

Photo illustrant les mains de 3 personnes en train d'échanger, avec des dossiers sur lesquels sont visibles des graphiques et des chiffres clés.

Evaluate your project’s potential with a storage system

To optimize your energy project, our Consulting Division carries out studies tailored to your requirements.

Our engineers have in-depth expertise in the energy system optimization, electricity markets and energy storage.

Analysis of the project and objectives

Using detailed data analysis and a precise understanding of your objectives, they conduct a techno-economic study to meet your needs.

The results provided are intended to help you make the best possible decisions about the next stops of your project with storage.

They give you key results on the technical and financial aspects, as well as the potential advantages of including storage (e.g. the profitability of your project, a detailed business plan, self-consumption rates, tons of CO2 avoided, reduction of exposure to market risks…).

Concretization and decision making

At the final stages of your project, our experts carry out extensive simulations to reproduce the behavior of your site’s equipment in conditions that are as real as possible.

Our consulting department will work with you to ensure that your project is reliable, efficient and sustainable.

Our solution,
your benefits

Integrated expertise

Since 2018, we have been occupying a space at the heart of the Concept Grid, a place, unique in Europe, located on the site of the EDF Lab Les Renardières in the Paris region, to develop our solutions while benefiting from the knowledge of storage experts, particularly in terms of fire safety.

At Agregio Solutions, we devote a significant portion of our resources to innovation to improve our services and facilitate our customers’ experience. Our innovation spans over multiple areas, from research into new storage system architectures, to methods for optimizing and forecasting variable renewable energy, to new software features. These research and innovation projects are carried out using the resources of the EDF Power NetWork Lab.


Get the best out of renewable energy

With Agregio Solutions’ energy storage solutions, you become a proactive participant in

the energy transition and enhance the flexibility of your storage assets while reducing your carbon footprint — solutions and outcomes that bring value to your brand image.


From the study to the realization of your project

The added value of Agregio Solutions lies in its capacity to support you over the life of your energy project: study and sizing of the energy project, supply and implementation of stationary storage systems, operations and maintenance…Our experts support you at each stage of your energy storage project and over its entire life cycle.

Contact our team

Need to know more about our solutions and commercial offer ?
Our team is at your disposal to guide you and define project.

Our support
over the life of your project

Needs assessment

  • understanding of your needs and objectives,
  • drafting of a technical proposal corresponding to your needs,
  • collection of the data necessary for launching the study (e.g. site characteristics, energy consumption, etc),
  • consolidation and synthesis of the project description via the commercial proposition.

Analyses and simulations

  • analysis of the market and legislation,
  • pre-treatment and analysis of your data,
  • possible reconstitution of the photovoltaic/wind production or electricity consumption records,
  • customized development of the control algorithm according to your specificities,
  • running simulations to determine the optimal sizing of your storage system.

Report delivery

  • presentation of study results (financial, technical and environmental),
  • delivery of the Business Plan within the framework of a study with financial optimization (maximization of the IRR – Internal Rate of Return, minimization of the LCOE – Discounted Cost of kWh, etc.),
  • calculation of your project’s carbon footprint,
  • delivery of the final study report.

Use cases

Non-exhaustive list of available functionalities according to your site and objectives:

  • Generate complementary revenues by participating in an effacement program, contributing to frequency regulation and selling the electricity produced at the optimal time,
  • Lower your electricity bill while reducing the power demand, consuming at the best price and reducing your risks from market price volatility,
  • Consume local green energy by maximizing self-consumption,
  • Manage an isolated site and use islanding to maximize use of your diesel generators,
  • Prevent blackouts at your site,
  • Save on fuel costs and reduce your exposure to fuel oil price volatility,
  • Integrate the key points of a network operator’s specifications (e.g. those of the Commission de Régulation de l’Energie – CRE).

Contact our team

Need to know more about our solutions and commercial offer ?
Our team is at your disposal to guide you and define project.

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Stormate, our efficient and secured stationary electricity storage solution to ensure the success of your energy project.

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